Thursday, November 25, 2010


(P.S. My photo is from the blog of Fabulous K)
Happy Thanksgiving Wishes to all my family ... we are in CT this year and just enjoyed a fabulous take-out dinner from Sharon, CT. Can I say the turkey was to-die-for! Plus the best mushroom stuffing; caramelized onions and leek-carrot bake!

Love you all!


Monday, July 26, 2010


Every day I think about posting and then something else comes up....

.... I have tons of pictures and lots of thoughts, just can't seem to make it to this page, but I will post a few pics for your enjoyment.
This pic is from March of 2010...Mom and Grandma at Ryan's wrestling match in Chelsea
A snippet of the front porch..
Ryan and Mom on Easter 2010...that giant kid at 6' 2"


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Won't be long and I'll be spending more time at this place.....swung up to TC last weekend and the weather was fab-u-lous.

Monday, March 1, 2010

rambling words of a matter or two.........

Ryan and Grammy - December, 2009.

I guess I'm just "not in to this blog" anymore... or I have a life that's been keeping me away from the laptop these days or 'what' I don't know.... I've even noticed that some of my old favorite blogs that I used to read have ceased to be as exciting to follow.
We have had tons of snow in the last few weeks - - - plenty of snow blower action. I have enjoyed shoveling snow and was tempted this last week to build a snowgirl (why would I want to build a snowman?)but that enthusiasm died out when I spent over two hours clearing the heavy snow on the first of several days.

Fortunately, the last few days have been sunny and warm(er) and the days are growing longer as we creep toward Daylight Savings Time.
I actually even ran outside last week instead of using the elliptical inside.
Ryan has agreed and committed to running the Dexter Ann Arbor Run - 5K with me in June. He said he'd only run if he didn't have to keep pace with me...duh, he's just a tad bit faster these days at his pace time. Soon I'll be off to Running Fit for a new pair of shoes - well past their time with my old ones, but I have this terrible habit of using the same pair for a year instead of changing them out every 4-6 months. (I know, I chastise others for doing the same thing!).

I might upload and post some pics soon - but, for now, aiming toward the greens of March -
Toodle Loo