Sunday, August 30, 2009

SUMMER ??? whateva....

MIA from the blog -- busy with football, job hunting (promising leads on the horizon); learning to fly fish - - - yes, finally!

Making some of these is on my list... so 'in-vogue' and 'so cool' - planning to use leftovers from canvas drop cloth I have left from Ryan's faux roman shades made earlier this summer. Canvas drop cloth is a cheap way to go for fabric.

Football has started - Ryan turned 16 - and Pete turned another year....went to TC with my mom, Aunt Jan; Cousin Julie - enjoyed the water, the wineries and the cherries....
Varsity OL this year....

TC Cherries - ---

Sherry, Jan, Julie and Rita - Suttons Bay in July after we'd spent the morning waiting out the rain, then more rain, and even more rain!

Just turne 16 a few days ago and is holding his tickets to the U-M vs WMU game - - four of them to enjoy with friends.

Rachel graduated from HS - oops, she's not in the pic - just me and the sisters and mom...
Toodle loo - - enjoy what warmth may come our way in SE Michigan - - hard to comprehend that the high today was 64 and it's August 30th...we might have to dig out the gloves and mittens - ice skating on the horizon...